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Continental Network proposes in relation to the integration of SPIRITUALITY.

The theological place with the poor. This is the foundation of Popular Education.


BIBLICAL RE-READING from a woman's perspective and in particular the recovery of the understanding of wisdom (sophia).


The HOLISTIC VISION of reality as a living totality, integrated in its various dimensions: personal, social, ethnic, cultural, racial, ecumenical, ecological, planetary, cosmic and transcendent.


CITIZENSHIP as a new way of being, existing and acting from a gender perspective. It is built on a relationship of reciprocity, horizontality, gratuity, inclusion that respects differences at all levels. It promotes autonomy and solidarity.



The objective of Red Continental is to promote experiences of an egalitarian society by building alternative educational proposals to participate in the transformation of reality at the local, national and regional levels, linked to Latin American solidarity and thus expanding our influence in socio-political, ecclesial, cultural and economic contexts.

Open to the construction of social networks with all those interested in the subject, this Network is promoted by the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an organization of the Catholic Church specialized in education. Why?


The Religious of the Sacred Heart and the majority of the congregation's collaborators live in the outskirts of cities and in rural areas of medium and high marginality. We are present in eleven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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The proposal of the Continental Network was born from the paradigms that gained strength from the 50s and 60s within the Christian and popular movements that proposed a commitment with and from the people. "WITH FROM FOR BY" gave rise to strong political-ideological discussions.


Mainly in the 60s and 70s, the RSCJ experienced a process of displacement to marginal neighborhoods in cities and rural populations.

A powerful current ran through Latin America in which social movements pushed for significant changes, countless popular educators emerged who were building a new theoretical body,

from concrete experiences, a Prophetic Church that is committed to justice and the poor, the mobilizing force of Liberation Theology and the Base Ecclesiastical Communities as a new way of being and living the Church.

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Programs and projects


Red Continental develops a set of programs and projects that help it to professionalize its members and carry out the tasks of its mission. Among others:


1. Articulation and Communication of Related Practices
This project aims to promote the articulation and communication between similar practices among educators and the groups they form in order to share experiences, evaluate practices and generate new learning.

2. Network Training Program
It is a program that aims to develop and implement a permanent pedagogical movement of service, training and advice for the members of the Network.

3. Financing of the Network
The objective of this project is to establish a financial structure and design fundraising projects for the Network.


4. Network Communication System
This is a project whose objective is to strengthen the communication system of the Network to promote interaction and decision-making processes.



General Coordination

The general coordination is led by a General Coordinator and made up of the liaisons from each country. This body meets in person every year and maintains permanent virtual communication to evaluate and plan strategic planning, as well as decision-making on joint actions and matters that concern THE NETWORK. It has the power to invite project coordinators or advisors to participate as deemed appropriate.
The selection of the General Coordinator will be every 4 years, through a prior reflection mechanism in the nuclei and the final decision will be made in the General Coordination.



The links are the people chosen by each core to represent it or be its reference for a certain time.



The nuclei are the space for articulating the experiences of each Province. Animated by one person but formed by a large group of participants, each nucleus will define its rhythms and forms of joint work according to its reality and its representativeness in regional and continental spaces.


Network Cores

Argentina - Uruguay, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Haiti - Puerto Rico, Mexico - Nicaragua, Peru, Venezuela

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